Episode 24: Adrian Cockcroft

About Adrian Cockcroft

Adrian Cockcroft


Adrian Cockcroft has had a long career working at the leading edge of technology, and is fascinated by what happens next. In his role at AWS, Cockcroft is focused on the needs of cloud native and “all-in” customers.

Prior to AWS, Cockcroft started out as a developer in the UK, joined Sun Microsystems and then moved to the United States in 1993, ending up as a Distinguished Engineer. Cockcroft left Sun in 2004, was a founding member of eBay research labs, and started at Netflix in 2007.

He initially directed a team working on personalization algorithms and then became cloud architect, helping teams scale and migrate to AWS. As Netflix shared its architecture publicly, Cockcroft became a regular speaker at conferences and executive summits, and he created and led the Netflix open source program.

In 2014, he joined VC firm Battery Ventures, promoting new ideas around DevOps, microservices, cloud and containers, and moved into his current role at AWS in October 2016.  He has recruited a team of experienced open source technologists to AWS and given keynote presentations at AWS Summits and many other events around the world.

Cockcroft holds a degree in Applied Physics from The City University, London and is a published author of four books, notably Sun Performance and Tuning (Prentice Hall, 1998)

À propos de cet épisode

Kicking off the first episode of 2021, Mik is joined by Adrian Cockcroft, VP of Cloud Architecture Strategy at Amazon Web Services.

In this episode, Mik and Adrian discuss Adrian’s predictions for application architecture in 2021, what’s happening with microservices architecture and other key discussion points including:

  • Serverless services and why the time is now to use the fastest way to deliver these applications
  • Adrian’s guidance for using AWS’ new greenfield applications that can help quickly bring a product to market
  • How organizations can use Wardley maps as a powerful tool to map out their efforts and navigate rapidly changing technology landscapes
  • How Adrian approaches chaos engineering
  • Big data, its uses and what problems you can solve with it
  • Amazon’s efforts with sustainability and renewable energy, and how moving a workload to the cloud could dramatically reduce a client’s carbon footprint

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